What about HIV Infographic by JP Bervoets

Thirty years into the response to HIV, an estimated 3000 young people are newly infected with HIV everyday. Many young people living with HIV still do not have access to treatment and only 34% of all young people have correct and comprehensive knowledge about HIV and how to protect themselves. That’s why more than 150 young HIV activists from across the world gathered for a three-day summit in Bamako, Mali, last week to rally a youth-led response to HIV in lead up to the United Nations General Assembly High Level Meeting on AIDS (taking place in New York from 8 to 10 June 2011). 

Prior to the Mali Youth Summit, @JPBervoets, a long time volunteer and board member at Art for AIDS International, was asked to design an infographic for the conference, and as a visual aid for a new call to action that would be unveiled on the conference’s closing day. This call to action is focused on securing resources and funding to support new youth leadership for a sustainable HIV response; protecting and promoting human rights to eliminate stigma and discrimination from legal frameworks; and on delivering HIV information and services that meet the diverse needs of young people including key populations. All things Art for AIDS International strongly supports.

As such, all of us at Art for AIDS International wanted to share the infographic with you with the hopes that it will encourage you to consider adding your name to the Call to Action.

Download your own What About HIV infographic.

Feel free to leave a comment and let us know what you think of the infographic or the data it presents. To learn more about the call to action, visit: http://www.whatabouthiv.org.